What people are saying.

  • Gillian is a facilitator who can read a situation incredibly well, is aware of the needs of both the participants and the organisations involved, and can adapt to whatever the situation requires.  She is a keen listener who actively looks to find the most effective way through any engagement process that ensures good results.

    – Nicole Hunter, Co-founder Mosaic Lab

  • Gillian was my go to, a rock, a confidant, someone to share with, learn from and help get me out of a pinch. Gillian was the key trainer alongside myself for the CFA and DELWP’s Safer Together community engagement training. This was the largest community engagement training contract in emergency management in Victoria. Without her knowledge, understanding and experiences of community engagement, emergency management, and with communities the training which was delivered to hundreds of people across dozens of agencies the length and breadth of Victoria wouldn’t have shined so brightly.

    – Chad Foulkes, Liminal by Design

  • Gillian was instrumental in delivering a workshop with representative community members of the Macalister irrigation district. From the moment Gillian was engaged, her diligence with reading and understanding the issues and translating that into an engaging workshop was first class. All attendees were fully involved as a result of Gillian’s engaging style.

    – Simon Wilkinson, Manager, Water Supply, Southern Rural Water

  • NRM Regions Australia has worked with Gillian on a number of projects over the past 3 years. Ranging from developing case studies of industry partnerships with regional natural resource management organisations, examining the potential interactions between industry sustainability frameworks and regional NRM plans and developing and facilitating workshops. In all our interactions Gillian has been professional, focused on delivering an exceptional product and generous with her knowledge and time when asked for input on next steps. Gillian's input to the NRM Regions Australia Industry Partnership project has contributed mightily to the quality of the outcomes it is producing.

    – Kate Forrest, Project Lead Industry Partnerships, NRM Regions Australia